What if you could change your potential just by changing your location?
With Astrocartography the stages and purposes of this lifetime become reflected in the locations that surround you. Your birth chart is a gift from the heavens at your time of birth, it is a snap shot of your entire life, it does not change. However, if you are one of the many people who have grown up in multiple places or travel often and have ever wondered why you feel like a different person in a different place locational astrology may have some answers for you. Locational astrology can even give us insight into our past life and ancestral stories, and guide us to the places we are meant to be in this lifetime.
The planets, signs, and most aspects in your birth chart remain the same no matter where you are, but when you relocate the houses and planetary aspects to angles in your chart shift, giving you new arenas to perform in. This will create changes in advantages and disadvantages in different categories such as career, relationships, home life, and even the way you appear to others.
Locational Astrology is the energy of place as it relates to YOU and your natal chart specifically. Not everyone has the same Venus in their chart, therefore not every one will experience their Venus line in the same way. A relocated chart gives us a glimpse of what our life might be like once we get settled into a new place. This is crucial information. As a professional certified Astrocartographer I will be using top notch software to look at your birth chart alongside your map, your relocated chart, paran lines, aspects to angles, as well as timing and transits to make sure you have the best possible locational astrology reading.
Have you ever been called to a place for an inexplicable reason?
Are you needing to relocate and are curious as to what could be in store for you in a new location?
Have you grown up between different locations and would like more clarity on which place could benefit you more?
Are you wanting to connect with your karmic and ancestral stories through the power of place?
Do you travel often and are curious about what the energy of a certain place may hold for you?
An Astrocartography reading can bring clarity to these types of questions and equip you with the intuitive knowledge and deeper understanding of where you have been and where you are headed, so that you may go forth into new territory and experience your life just as it was meant to be.